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Eugene Pustoshkin
19 дек. 2024 г.1 мин. чтения
An example of investigative journalism that truly deserves a Nobel Peace Prize! My review of “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
We must read this book in order to become aware of the endemic corruption, greed, and inhumane experiments
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14 мар. 2022 г.1 мин. чтения
Integral Dialogue with Rupert Sheldrake: “Extended Mind”
The Integral Dialogue interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, biochemist and plant physiologist, author of the morphic resonance theory.
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7 мар. 2022 г.1 мин. чтения
Transpersonal credo
I have indestructible faith in the domain of Being which transcends all gross and subtle fluctuations
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Eugene Pustoshkin
2 дек. 2021 г.2 мин. чтения
“Intelligence Reframed” by Howard Gardner: Not a Very Good Book on Multiple Intelligences
Only half of the book Intelligence Reframed is dedicated directly to exploring the theory of multiple intelligences with its nuances.
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Eugene Pustoshkin
6 авг. 2021 г.2 мин. чтения
True progressive awareness
Truly progressive mind is luminous and vibrant spaciousness that endlessly and seamlessly integrates forms of being across time and space.
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Eugene Pustoshkin
22 мая 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Spaciousness in Integral Awareness Meditation
There are contemplative practices that stress not concentration as narrowing down of attention but deconcentration and decentering.
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Eugene Pustoshkin
1 февр. 2021 г.1 мин. чтения
Perspective-taking in Shadow Work and Integral Metatheoretical Practice
Perspective-taking in Shadow Work and Integral Metatheoretical Practice
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Eugene Pustoshkin
26 нояб. 2020 г.2 мин. чтения
Integral Meditation & Ken Wilber’s Integral Vision (Conscious Evolution Summit 2020)
You can watch the free videos of Eugene’s interview on Integral Meditation and Holoscendence.
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13 окт. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Integral Biohacking with Olli Sovijärvi
The Integral Dialogue interview with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, a pioneer of Integral Biohacking in Finland. Olli Sovijärvi, MD, co-authored...
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9 окт. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Integral Meditation at Conscious Evolution Summit 2020
A talk on Integral Meditation, Holoscendence and Ken Wilber’s Integral Vision at CES 2020
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17 сент. 2020 г.4 мин. чтения
Integral Meditation as a Method of Inducing Altered States of Consciousness in Mindfulness & Therapy
Integral Meditation as a Method of Inducing Altered States of Consciousness in Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Daily Functioning Eugene...
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2 авг. 2020 г.2 мин. чтения
The current state of Integral in Russia (2020)
Books & texts in general are among the leading ways our collective memories of these Integral resonances seem to be imprinted and inherited.
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2 авг. 2020 г.2 мин. чтения
On Apocalyptic Hyperobjects and Integral Meditation
On Apocalyptic Hyperobjects, Current Riots in our Westworld, and the Integral Meditation Practice to Cultivate Meta-Awareness
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12 февр. 2020 г.1 мин. чтения
Kosmocentrism & cosmocentrism in Kaikhan Salakhov’s work
I love Kaikhan Salakhov for his aspiration towards both a cosmocentric and Kosmocentric vision of humanity (and trans-humanity)
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9 янв. 2020 г.2 мин. чтения
An Integral Criticism of James Lovelock’s Novacene (2019)
The major problem with Lovelock’s new book Novacene (2019) is that it focuses on consciousness as intelligence rather than as awareness.
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18 дек. 2019 г.1 мин. чтения
On visiting the Biohacker Center in Helsinki and meeting Olli Sovijärvi
Using the Integral framework instantly makes Olli’s comprehensive biohacker practice beyond the reach of any competitors.
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7 сент. 2017 г.1 мин. чтения
Life goes by
Life goes by, not quickly, not slowly, but mercilessly. You can’t do anything about it but let go and modulate intensity of that lens of...
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